(I added music for dramatic effect.
We were listening to some Eurodance shit on the radio, really.)
But we made it out alive, and got to the house just in time for champagne, gifts and dinner.
Christmas Day, we took the quad out back with the snowboard. H and his brother took turns pulling the snowboard with the quad.
I was busy shivering in my mother in-law's galoshes and making snow-balls that could have been a snowman had H not fallen on his ass. And knees. I think he rolled around a bit too and made a more successful snowman than me... so back home we went.
This was where we had cocktails on our wedding day. 3 inches deep in snow.
And the thyme we used when we had time to barbecue.
And farther back, the woods.
And this was where my family slept in the summer.
The next day, the sun was out and all the little critters were back in the garden, leaving traces in the snow.
It was such a nice day that we decided to go to see the ruins of a castle from the middle-ages, the very castle on the cover of an old French paperback of The Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of The Ring
There are pretty traces of Marguerite de Fumel's Extreme Makeover: Chateau Edition in 1761.
But the rest is left to the imagination.
It is the perfect setting for a story of magic, mystery, and discovery. Secret passageways...
Silent towers...
Cold landscapes...
And magical sunsets.
On our next issue: Aaaand We're Back!
Postscript: The title of this entry pertains to a 1945 Billy Wilder film about an alcoholic trying to fight the urge to drink for 4 days, which I kind of was because from Christmas Eve until New Year's day, I had liquor in me. I forgot to write this little tidbit in maybe cause of the residual alcohol. Tee hee.
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