Whenever I got the chance to talk to my mom on Skype, she kept asking me: when are you coming home?
That, followed by: What on earth will you do in India for 5 months?
I asked myself that before leaving everything behind, too. And every time we talk about our plans with fellow backpackers in the coffee shops of Thamel or Pokhara, or even around a fire in the mountains, they marvel at how we survived India for so long. The dirt and poverty was not what shocked me, it was the people. Every day was a roller coaster ride of emotions; sometimes we became so guarded to the point of paranoia. We saw the worst in people, but it also helped us appreciate the kindness of complete strangers. I learned a lot from these people. Some of them, I hope, would be our friends for life.
India truly made us stronger.
We saw and experienced the best that the subcontinent had to offer....
leaving some room for future adventures.
From being afraid of staying too long, I admit: We had a blast!
So now we've just extended our stay in Nepal. It's on our individual lists of dream destinations, but we said we'd only give it a month... now we're staying for almost two.
It pushed us to do things we never thought we could, and got us closer to the The Big Guy In The Sky... physically speaking, at least :)
But the adventure doesn't end there. I guess I'll be more specific and post better pics in the future, when I get hit by insomnia again :)
Bisous dear reader, wherever you are!