I gave him the freedom to choose any ring for me because I can't go to Paris to pick one out with him, but last Sunday he went to look for rings and came back with a long list of questions I don't have an answer to because: a) I don't wear rings, b) I wouldn't know how to pick one, c) if this were LOTR I'd be Sam Gamgee. My only request was to find a two-toned number so it can match his yellow gold band and match my white gold engagement ring.
So 2 days later he's beginning to get all stressed out and we both start raising our tones on the phone and then I laugh at how he gets so tense over the width, color, stone settings and how they would match the engagement ring while I'm out here just hanging loose. And then he got hung up on why I was laughing and then I got angry and then he started laughing and the arguments got turned around.
Well, that lasted about 5 minutes after me telling him off and him apologizing, and me admitting I don't know what a millimeter is and him gloating. All I could promise him was I was going to do my ring research tonight, pick a ring from the maison de l'alliance website and give him some peace of mind... even though picking out a ring was supposed to be his job in the first place (see paragraph 1) and mine was looking pretty. Meheh.
So here's the best advice I could find, from Gillett's Jewellers. Very easy to understand for ring idiots like me who want to wear the wedding ring with the engagement ring but can't decide what to get.
A summary:
Look at the engagement ring and decide if you need a curved ring (it curves around the stone setting on the e-ring) or a straight ring (doesn't curve).

Here's my ring for reference:
only a few months old and already grimy :(
1) flat and straight
2) of white gold
3) thin, because my fat fingers need all the help they could get
Let's see what happens